What is a doula?
Great question! Let me tell you. First, there are a couple different types of doulas. There are birth doulas who help support women and families through the birth process. These doulas are fabulous at educating their clients on birth, supporting their clients emotional and physical needs, helping you cope during labor with the use of different pain techniques and help advocate for their client's needs.
Next comes postpartum doulas. These amazing professionals are the knights and shining armors of your postpartum period. They come in after delivery and help families adjust to their new life with baby. Whether its light housework, meal prep, emotional or physical support for the mother or meeting baby's needs, these doulas save the day.
Stillbirth Doulas have special training to walk alongside parents during pregnancy loss, stilllbirth and diagnoses that may lead to a short life of baby.
Are you pregnant and looking for a christian doula? If so, you've come to the right place!